Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pasta House Co. Special House Salad

St. Louis Missouri
Pasta House Co. Special House Salad


1 Head Iceberg Lettuce
1/3 Head Romaine Lettuce
1 cup Artichoke Hearts (NOT marinated artichoke hearts)
1 cup sliced Red Onions
1 cup diced Pimentos (drained completely)
2/3 cup Olive Oil
1/3 cup REGINA wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2/3 cup freshly grated parmigiano cheese


Wash the iceberg and romaine lettuce, allowing all the water to drain completely. Place in refrigerator to chill. When lettuce is well-chilled, remove from refrigerator. Split head of iceberg lettuce in half, pulling the heart of lettuce out of both halfs and breaking into small pieces. DO NOT USE A KNIFE ON LETTUCE. Only separate the rest of the iceberg, it will break up when tossed. Tear the romaine lettuce (each leaf into 3 sections). Place both kinds of lettuce into mixing bowl.

Drain artichoke hearts well; measure and add to lettuce. DO NOT USE MARINATED ARTICHOKE HEARTS. Peel and slice red onion; drain and dice pimentos. DRAIN PIMENTOS COMPLETELY, or salad will turn red. Measure the onions and pimentos and add to lettuce.

Add Olive Oil, Vinegar, salt, pepper and toss. Then add parmigiano cheese. Toss until all is mixed completely and serve. Serves four.

Makes 1-2 Servings

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