Saturday, February 9, 2013

Eat This, Not That! 2013

Do you know what’s really in your food?   No, we’re not talking about fat and calories. It turns out that America’s supermarket aisles are full of dangerous and downright disgusting ingredients that could be harming your health. 

Eat This, Not That! 2013

This 2013 book is a must-have for anyone who cares about their health and how their body looks.  A great book that teaches you can still have a life while making healthier decisions.

Check out the dirty details:  

Pink Slime in Beef a mixture of waste meat and fatty parts from higher-quality cuts of beef that have had the fat mechanically removed. Afterward, it's treated with ammonia gas to kill salmonella and E. coli bacteria. Then it gets added to ground beef as a filler. 

Eat This Instead: Organic ground beef is safer.  The National Organic Program standards prohibit meat containing pink slime.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) - According to tests from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, may be contaminated with mercury.   Especially prevalent in processed foods.

Eat This Instead:   Buy HFCS-free versions of foods.

Moldy Berries & Rocket Fuel in Lettuce - The FDA legally allows up to 60 percent of canned or frozen blackberries and raspberries to contain mold. Canned fruit and vegetable juices are allowed to contain up to 15 percent mold, and most of California lettuce is contaminated with low levels of perchlorate, a component of rocket fuel.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency, perchlorate is found in the Colorado River which irrigates much of California's lettuce crops and can be taken up inside lettuce plants.  In a  separate study from the Environmental Working Group, perchlorate, which can harm thyroid function, is found in 50 percent of store-bought winter lettuce samples.  

Eat This Instead:   Buy Fresh!  Another reason to buy local and in season.  However, most fresh berries and fruits can be frozen at home for eating out of season.  

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